Human Services Degrees

Degrees in Human Services - 2014 Emerging TrendsA human services degree allows students to pursue a wide field of careers that allow them to help people while being able to support themselves. Human services job opportunities are doorways to careers helping children, adults, seniors and full families. Students on this bright career path can look forward to a quickly growing industry. Careers students may go into include substance abuse counselor, employment counselor, correctional facility worker or activities coordinator.

Characteristics of Human Services Students

Students working toward a degree in Human Services generally have a kind, nurturing nature and enjoy helping others with most of their time. They need to be patient and diligent in their pursuits for certain careers and be caring people who feel the need to make others feel satisfied with life. As with most degrees, a Human Services degree can be attained traditionally on campus or online for more flexible hours for people with working or parental full time obligations. Students can also choose specialized areas within their degree to study and receive experience in.

Specific Degrees

Students in Human Services can earn simply a certificate or an associates degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate degree. A certificate program extends a professional’s set of skills to a wider array of abilities without committing to a full time degree program. An associate degree is the minimal amount of education with a full time degree open to students who wish to learn the skills necessary to receive entry level positions in careers in Human Services. If students with an associate degree decide to earn a bachelor, often their course credits can transfer to the new degree.

A Bachelor’s Degree prepares students with career classes as well as classes that expose them to the arts and humanities. Students with a Bachelor’s Degree often feel more ready for the work force than those who obtained an associate or certificate. Certain classes are required by most colleges, some of which are developmental psychology, group dynamics and ethics and human services.

Careers in Human Services

A Human Services degree is very versatile and can be used for a wide range of occupations. Students who graduate from a Human Services program find jobs in mental health care, adult day care facilities, substance abuse treatment facilities and elderly care centers.

Students have moved into positions such as:
– Administrators
– Adult Services Worker
– Case Manager
– Child Welfare Worker
– Corrections Worker
– Services Provider
– Substance Abuse Worker

An Administrator directs other workers permanently in agencies or temporarily in project teams; they prepare budgets and maintain a high level of performance in the agency to effectively help others. An Adult Services Worker assists adults who are mentally or physically handicapped with work and family responsibilities. A Case Manager works one on one with clients to help them reach past challenges specific to the client. A Child Welfare Worker can work in different settings to work with children in situations such as removal from parents, homes in low income families, or homes with abusive or neglectful parents. A Corrections Worker prepares convicts for life in the community by helping them develop skills for future careers. An Elderly Services Provider works in assisted living facilities and devotes time to making the elderly comfortable and happy in those precious years at the end of life. A Substance Abuse Worker works in a rehabilitation center and prepares groups or individuals who are in recovery programs for life in the community.