
DegreeCouncil.org provides breaking news and reference material about online degree programs to help prospective students make solid decisions in this changing economy.

Why us?

Have you just graduated from high school—or soon will—and trying to decide on a degree program?

Are you a first-time college student uncertain about his or her career choice?

Are you a first-time college student uncertain about his or her career choice?

Or maybe a mid-career professional dissatisfied with your job and thinking of changing your occupation?

Whichever of these situations applies to you, you can’t jump into a degree program without getting informed about current job demand as well as job demand in the foreseeable future.

Latest statistics

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), college graduates earn an average of 40% more money than those without a college education.

Even more startling is that those without a college degree are twice as likely to be unemployed than those with a college degree.

Image: Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employment Projections chart - Degree Council
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employment Projections Chart

How do we help you?

By providing the answers to your most frequently asked questions along with regularly updated career and degree news, DegreeCouncil.org empowers first-time students as well as those in mid-career. Armed with our up-to-date information on online degree programs, you’ll be able to make informed decisions that will lead to future job security and, hopefully, a successful, balanced life.

Our “Featured College Grads” section gives you real snapshots of the career paths of individuals, especially as their paths open up with more education.

Last but not least, DegreeCouncil.org works directly with online colleges and universities and “on-campus” schools to ensure that all study programs and information are up-to-date – and that prospects who fill out the request for information will usually find out within 24 hours which schools and programs are just right for their schedules. Real school advisors will call prospective students and walk them through the whole process.

Need more help?

First browse our site to find your area of interest or use search to quickly find relevant articles. If you can’t find answers to your questions on DegreeCouncil.org, please contact us, and we’ll have one of our team members get back to you right away.

Good luck with your studies and your career!
